BrewCity CrossFit Coaches
Owner/Coach: BS in Exercise Science, CrossFit Level 2
Tyler coached for 4 years before taking over as owner of Brewcity in Sep. 2023. He was a track star in Minnesota, competing in the Decathlon/Heptathlon. He loves the Echo bike, rowing, a nice Clean and Jerk, and cottage cheese.
Head Coach: CrossFit Level 1
Braulio has been involved in the fitness industry for many years, starting as a personal trainer in the globogyms prior to joining the CrossFit world. Braulio helps run day-to-day operations at BrewCity and is always there when you need a high five. His favorite sport is wiffleball and he has an opinion about every sci-fi movie that comes out.
Head Weightlifting Coach: USAW Certified, BS in Exercise Physiology
He may look like he got here on a skateboard, but Nate is a national level weightlifter with podium finishes at the Junior National Championship, University National Championship, American Open, and USAW National Championship. Outside of weightlifting, Nate enjoys Metallica music, the Jason Bourne movies, and irony.
CrossFit/Gymnastics Coach: CrossFit Level 2, USAW Level 1, CPR/AED Certified
Brie has 15 years competitive gymnastics experience and has been coaching and competing in CrossFit for almost as long!
CrossFit/Gymnastics Coach: CrossFit Level 2, CrossFit Gymnastics, USAW Level 1.
Mariana comes from a gymnastics background and has a lot of experience in lifting weights and likes to compete in CrossFit competitions whenever she can. She has two dogs that are much larger than she is.
Coach: CrossFit Level 1
Coach: CrossFit Level 1
Young Ian is our newest coach. If his name sounds familiar it’s probably because you’ve seen it at the top of every leaderboard. He enjoys training hard and competing in CrossFit. Currently he is finishing up his engineering degree at Marquette, so yeah he’s pretty smart!
Coach: CrossFit Level 1
James has several silent letters in his last name, but carries a heavy barbell. He has a long history of coaching football.
Coach: CrossFit Level 1
Morgan’s favorite workout is DT. She played basketball and water polo before moving on to barbells. When she’s not working out, you can find her conducting audits and petting dogs.
Coach: CrossFit Level 1, USAW Level 1
Kaleigh has been involved with Brewcity since the beginning (2011!) in some capacity, and is probably the best athlete in the gym but she wouldn’t ever let you know that. She loves anything that involves Olympic lifting and coaching Monday nights.